mentalhealth411 Podcast
Welcome! To mentalhealth411 Podcast providing you with Motivational conversations!! Listen and get yourself kickstarted or continue with your GOALS and SUCCESS!!! Let's talk about it!!! IG: https://www.instagram.com/mentalhealth411/ Host IG: https://www.instagram.com/palomacollins/
mentalhealth411 Podcast
Immigration and Its Broken Heart: The Journey
With: Nancy Paloma Collins LMFT
Season 2
Episode 3
In this new episode on MentalHealth411, Alejandra Alvarez LMFT has a profound conversation with our host Nancy Paloma Collins LMFT on the “Emotional reconnection between transnational mothers and their children after reunification. It is increasingly common for single mothers to parent from afar while working in another country. Due to this separation, the natural mother-child bond is broken, creating in the child a longing for the mother to heal the wound created by the separation” Alejandra Alvarez, A Daughter’s Pain 2013.
Grab your tissues, tea/coffee and sit down to listen to this podcast, it’s a must!!!
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